Basic Inventory Management System
Last updated: 2022-06-20

An inventory management system is software that helps track a company's inventory and sales. It supports employees by providing accurate inventory numbers and keeping products organized. This helps a company manage its stock, fill orders and track the overall production or sales.

What do you find here?

Interactive Dashboard, Company Setting, Create User Role, Create User, Create Company, Create Item, Create Vendor, Create Purchase Invoice, Create Customer, Create Sales Invoice, Create Devid Account Type, Create Credit Account Type, Create Bank Account, Create Expense, User List, User Role List, Company List, Item List, Vendor List, Purchase Invoice List, Customer List, Sales Invoice List, Item List, Devid Account List, Credit Account List, Bank List, Expense List, Profit & Loss Reports, more.....

Demo Login :
username: dev
password: dev


Details Product


Item List

Vendor List

Purchase Order

Customer List

Sales Invoice List

Customer Ledger

Vendor Ledger
